
Lasciate mai disegni in giro? Al ristorante, sulle tovagliette, a volte per ingannare il tempo facciamo tutti qualche schizzo; un passatempo alternativo e più salutare che ingozzarsi di grissini. Poi, una volta terminato il pasto, il disegno resta lì in attesa del suo destino e chissà se verrà gettato o se qualcuno, incuriosito, lo terrà con sé. È sempre al contempo un piccolo dispiacere abbandonare uno di questi schizzi ma un divertimento nell’immaginare cosa potrebbe succedere loro.
E voi? Lasciate in giro i vostri disegni?
Do you ever leave sketches around? At the restaurant, on the placemats, we all sometimes sketch to cheat time; an alternative and healtier diversion than stuffing ourselves with breadsticks. Then, when we finsh our meal, the sketchs remains there, waiting for its destiny and who knows if it will be thrown in the trash bin or if someone will keep it with him. Its always at the same time a small sorrow to leave these sketches but fun to imagine what could occur to them.
What about you? Do you leave sketches around?


Pubblicato da Alessandro Melillo

I'm an architect, photographer and urban sketcher living on the western coast of Tuscany, Italy. This is the world, through my eyes and my hands. I love aniseed, bicycles, monofin swimming, pipe smoking, film, udon, pencils, haiku, cooking, notepads, gin, Japan, maps, traveling, prime numbers, street photography, longboard skating, stringed instruments, liquorice, botany, typography, bookbinding, Dire Straits, pale ale, Ireland, folk music, trumpets, virginia tobacco, urban sketching, single malt whiskey, writing, Indian food, Counting Crows, India ink, sea, peat stoves, watercolors, photojournalism, origami, fixies, sushi, wet shaving, lavender, pocket watches, denim, drip coffee, soupe au pistou, hiking, aloeswood, politeness, knots, dip pens, craft, Vespa, pocket knives, twin lens reflex cameras, contrails, lightnings, tea, NB 574, washi tape, dishwashing, calligraphy, fire, paper, onsen, postcards, magnifying lenses, baking, cartography, straw wickers, not necessarily in this order.