Wedding in Reading

‘twas brillig, and…

No, un momento. Era un po’ prima; sono tornato a casa da una giornata terribile e non vi dico la gioia nel trovare questo nella cassetta della posta! No, wait a moment. It was earlier; I was just back home from a terrible working day and I can’t tell you my joy when I found this into the mailbox!

Sono le partecipazioni di nozze di Riccardo e Lisa. Le aspettavamo da un po’, più o meno da quando le ho disegnate per loro; un matrimonio d’italiani in terra inglese, un invito più che gradito e un bel divertimento nel preparare questo piccolo sketch per dei cari amici. A maggio andiamo da loro per festeggiare con una piccola e vivace ciurma. Ci attendono risate, birra, foto, abbracci e perché no: altri piccoli sketch fatti sul momento! It’s a save-the-date for Riccardo and Lisa’s wedding. We’d been waiting for them for a while, more or less since I sketched it for them; an italian wedding upon English land, a really appreciated invitation and much fun to compose this little sketch for our dearest friends. We’re going and see them in May to party with a small and lively crew. Laughs, beer, photographs, hugs are waiting for us and why not: more quick improvised sketches too!
The work in progress

Pubblicato da Alessandro Melillo

I'm an architect, photographer and urban sketcher living on the western coast of Tuscany, Italy. This is the world, through my eyes and my hands. I love aniseed, bicycles, monofin swimming, pipe smoking, film, udon, pencils, haiku, cooking, notepads, gin, Japan, maps, traveling, prime numbers, street photography, longboard skating, stringed instruments, liquorice, botany, typography, bookbinding, Dire Straits, pale ale, Ireland, folk music, trumpets, virginia tobacco, urban sketching, single malt whiskey, writing, Indian food, Counting Crows, India ink, sea, peat stoves, watercolors, photojournalism, origami, fixies, sushi, wet shaving, lavender, pocket watches, denim, drip coffee, soupe au pistou, hiking, aloeswood, politeness, knots, dip pens, craft, Vespa, pocket knives, twin lens reflex cameras, contrails, lightnings, tea, NB 574, washi tape, dishwashing, calligraphy, fire, paper, onsen, postcards, magnifying lenses, baking, cartography, straw wickers, not necessarily in this order.