
È bello insegnare, anche se le soddisfazioni sono sempre accompagnate dalla stanchezza, qualche fallimento, la percezione alterata del tempo dovuta allo stress e alle scadenze, le delusioni e a volte anche il senso di inadeguatezza.
Ma quest’anno è stato bellissimo. Pieno di spunti, di risate e di inaspettate sorprese; l’espressione dell’incredulità di fronte a un’immagine; imparare di nuovo a parlare; dimenticare per un’ora questo stupido e deleterio meccanismo pavloviano di associazione mentale tra un’azione e la sua valutazione numerica; scoprire che ci sono dei talenti che il sistema scolastico distrugge e trovare la chiave per farli esplodere.
Però, la cosa più bella è stato un abbraccio e un “mi mancherai”.
Buona fortuna, A.
Anche se io non credo alla fortuna e sono certo che saprai costruire tutto con le tue mani.
Teaching is beautiful, though satisfactions are often accompanied by weariness, some failures, the altered perception of time due to stress and deadlines, some delusions and sometimes the feeling of being inadequate.
But this year was beautiful. Full of hints, laughter and unexpected surprises; an expression of incredulity in front of a picture; learning to speak once again; forgetting for an hour this stupid and harmful Pavlovian mechanism which pushes them to think in terms of action and numerical judgement; discovering there are talents which are completely destroyed by the educational system and finding the key to let them burst.
Yet, the thing I loved most was a hug and an “I will miss you”.
Good luck, A.
Though I don’t believe in luck and I’m sure you’ll be able to build everything with your own hands.

Pubblicato da Alessandro Melillo

I'm an architect, photographer and urban sketcher living on the western coast of Tuscany, Italy. This is the world, through my eyes and my hands. I love aniseed, bicycles, monofin swimming, pipe smoking, film, udon, pencils, haiku, cooking, notepads, gin, Japan, maps, traveling, prime numbers, street photography, longboard skating, stringed instruments, liquorice, botany, typography, bookbinding, Dire Straits, pale ale, Ireland, folk music, trumpets, virginia tobacco, urban sketching, single malt whiskey, writing, Indian food, Counting Crows, India ink, sea, peat stoves, watercolors, photojournalism, origami, fixies, sushi, wet shaving, lavender, pocket watches, denim, drip coffee, soupe au pistou, hiking, aloeswood, politeness, knots, dip pens, craft, Vespa, pocket knives, twin lens reflex cameras, contrails, lightnings, tea, NB 574, washi tape, dishwashing, calligraphy, fire, paper, onsen, postcards, magnifying lenses, baking, cartography, straw wickers, not necessarily in this order.