
Angelo o Verdone? L’aperitivo trasforma le persone oppure e’ la pellicola che le trasfigura? Chi si preoccupa della “veridicita’” dell’elaborazione digitale dovrebbe soffermarsi un momento anche a pensare che la pellicola rappresenta solo una versione della realta’ che il fotografo ha in mente. Pensare che la pellicola sia “reale” ed il digitale sia “finzione” significa illudersi per il solo gusto – magari inconscio – di sentirsi custodi di una verita’, di una tradizione, del giusto.
Questa e’ pellicola, dannazione, se non e’ distorsione della realta’ ditemelo voi cos’e’…!

Angelo or Verdone? Is the aperitif which transforms people or just film to do that? Those who care about the “authenticity” of the digital workflow should instead take a moment to think that film renders just a scene in the mind of the photographer and not reality. Thinking that film is “truth” and digital is “fiction” means to be fooled into thinking to be – be it just incoscious – keepers of a truth, of a tradition, of good.
This is film, goddamnya, if it isn’t a distorction of reality please tell me what it is…!

To one of the funniest geeks I’ve ever known!

Happily shot with a 1959 Zorki 4 rangefinder on Ilford HP5 400 film.
Piombino – Zibibbo – a summer evening

via Carducci – Piombino

cosa fai stanotte? misuri la citta’ in una passeggiata, con una vecchia macchina fotografica tra le mani e una pellicola veloce; non e’ esattamente quella che un paio di amici definirebbero una pellicola veloce, solo un fedele rullino di Ilford HP5 400 e tutto quello di cui hai bisogno e’ una presa solida e qualche volta un muro o un palo su cui fare affidamento se la luce e’ *davvero* troppo poca. Piombino e’ una citta’ quasi deserta, e conti i passi per lasciar passare il tempo, pensando che non ci sia nulla da fotografare quando all’improvviso noti una macchina che si avvicina alla rotatoria; e’ questione di secondi, devi mettere a fuoco, esporre, inquadrare ed essere pronto a far fuoco nel momento esatto in cui la macchina entra nell’inquadratura. Puoi avere una pellicola veloce, ma non c’e’ pellicola che possa aiutare *te* ad essere piu’ rapido. E’ solo azione. Smetti di pensare che stai sprecando fotogrammi preziosi, spenderesti quello che risparmi per bere una birra in piu’. Scatta, maledizione! Ecco perche’ io ho la foto e forse qualcun’altro avrebbe avuto semplicemente una birra in piu’.

what d’ya do tonight? you just pace a nonsense stroll along the town, an old camera in your hands and some fast film; that’s not exactly what a couple of friends would call a fast film, just a faithful roll of HP5 400 Ilford film and everything you need is a firm grip and sometimes a wall or a signpost to rely if the light is *really* low. Piombino is quite a desert town, and you’re counting the steps to spend time, thinking there’s nothing to shoot while you suddenly see a car approaching the roundabout; it’s matter of seconds, you have to focus, expose, frame and get ready to fire in the exact moment the car enters the frame. You can have fast film, but there isn’t any film which can help *you* to be faster. It’s just action. Stop thinking you’re wasting precious frames, you’d be spending savings to drink one more beer. Fire, goddamnya! This is why I got the photograph and maybe another one would have just gotten one more beer.

Shot with a rat Yashica FX-3 on Ilford HP5 400 film


Ok, this is some live gig shooting, and I did it partly with my 5700 and partly with my Zorki 4 and a roll of FP4 with a few frames left inside it. It had already been partly exposed and I couldn’t push it anyway, so I just needed a firm grip and steady hands. You can’t just delete and re-shoot if you got just a dozen frames and no additional roll…

The orange dye is due to the fact I scanned the neg with my flatbed scanner and it’s not capable of scanning negatives, so I just left the cover open, put a piece of milky white plexiglas and turned the light on. It’s a warm light, so the scanner records an orange light. I like it, however, and I decided to leave it, hope you like it too.
Gonna post some other shots, done with the 5700, so to be able and make a comparison. I just looked at the previews in the camera’s lcd and some o’them look nice.
Skiginator rule, folks! Go listen them, go buy their records, go ask for their autographed panties!
Geez, you can’t photograph the sweet sound of a distorted tube amp, you gotta HEAR that.

Copyright 2008 by Alessandro “RonJe” Melillo

Camera: Zorki 4 – Jupiter 8 50mm
Film: Ilford FP4+
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture: f/2
Exp. time: 1/15
Filter: none

Location: Massa Marittima – La Lucciola
Soundtrack: Skiginator live!