Sala d’attesa

Alla fine dell’anno scolastico si tirano le somme e si fanno gli incontri all’ASL per valutare i progressi degli alunni con bisogni educativi speciali. Incontri che vanno sempre per le lunghe, ragion per cui le sale d’attesa sono sempre affollate.
Due anni fa ho disegnato piĆ¹ o meno la stessa vista, proprio fuori dalla finestra.
At the end of the school year we summarize and meet at the ASL to extimate the improvements of those pupils with special needs. These meetings always drag out, that’s why those waiting rooms are always busy. Two years ago I sketched approximately the same view, right out of the window.

Pubblicato da Alessandro Melillo

I'm an architect, photographer and urban sketcher living on the western coast of Tuscany, Italy. This is the world, through my eyes and my hands. I love aniseed, bicycles, monofin swimming, pipe smoking, film, udon, pencils, haiku, cooking, notepads, gin, Japan, maps, traveling, prime numbers, street photography, longboard skating, stringed instruments, liquorice, botany, typography, bookbinding, Dire Straits, pale ale, Ireland, folk music, trumpets, virginia tobacco, urban sketching, single malt whiskey, writing, Indian food, Counting Crows, India ink, sea, peat stoves, watercolors, photojournalism, origami, fixies, sushi, wet shaving, lavender, pocket watches, denim, drip coffee, soupe au pistou, hiking, aloeswood, politeness, knots, dip pens, craft, Vespa, pocket knives, twin lens reflex cameras, contrails, lightnings, tea, NB 574, washi tape, dishwashing, calligraphy, fire, paper, onsen, postcards, magnifying lenses, baking, cartography, straw wickers, not necessarily in this order.